NPQ for Leading Literacy


Working in conjunction with UCL, this NPQ is facilitated locally by experienced cross-phase practitioners.

The NPQLL will support you to deepen your knowledge of Leading Literacy within a collaborative and open learning environment whilst gaining confidence and developing skills in running literacy improvement strategies and supporting colleagues who want to develop their pupils’ reading.

This course covers how to support colleagues to develop all pupils’:

• language capability and wider understanding of language

• word reading

• reading comprehension

• writing skills

You’ll also learn how to:

• contribute to effective professional development linked to teaching, curriculum and assessment across the school

• design and implement literacy improvement strategies

Click here to find out more information about the NPQ in Leading Literacy.

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A teacher who has, or aspires to have responsibility for leading literacy across a year group, key stage, phase or school.



Programme Length:

12 months followed by an 8-day open book summative case study task.


Targeted DfE funding available. Contact us for further information.

To Apply:

Click the link below and choose UCL as your provider.